Items & Services Not Covered By Medicare

Items & Services Not Covered By Medicare

We are frequently asked about of Medicare and the most frequent questions involve services and items not covered by Medicare. A person eligible for Medicare can receive: Part A (Hospital Insurance) which assists with inpatient hospital care, skilled nursing...

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The Hidden Benefit Of A Needs-Based Approach

The Hidden Benefit Of A Needs-Based Approach

We’ve all been there – the employer or carrier makes a great settlement offer, but the injured worker (the client) is reluctant to accept.  Or worse, the client hastily accepts a suboptimal offer from the employer without thoughtful consideration of their future...

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Controlling Court Reporting Costs

Controlling Court Reporting Costs

I vividly recall the first deposition I took after getting out of law school. It was for a group of RICO plaintiffs in a lawsuit against a large car manufacturer. I spent days writing out questions, analyzing how the deponents would likely answer, and how I, in...

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